Tabletop Skirmish Games Reviews Astra Militarum Case24th Jun 2022
Today we have another great review by Tabletop Skirmish Games of our Cases to share with you.
This time he is reviewing the cases we sent to him to store a truly huge Astra Militarum army. Check out the video here.
In the video Lee reviews the K2-B case we sent him with a plethora of KRM cases with foam for his Astra Militarum Army. In the video he specifically shows you the fantastic trays for the Baneblade with heavy Weapons Teams and for the Valkyrie with four Leman Russ Tanks.
He also goes into detail of the various pockets and features of the K2-B Transport bag so make sure to check that out if you are interested to see the modular Card to Transport bag system and see if the K2-B is perfect for you.
If you enjoy Lee's videos please check out his youtube channel here and don't forget to watch the Astra Militarum case review here.
Be sure to keep an eye out here or on Lee's channel for more video reviews of Navara and KR cases and features.
KR Cases - putting figures first