
Figure Cases and Trays

for Tabletop Gaming

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Magnetic Trayset each 35mm deep
Full width trays each 380mm x 255mm x 35mm, ideal for magnetised base troops up to 35mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm

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Magnetic Trayset each 55mm deep
Full width trays 380mm x 255mm x 55mm, ideal for magnetised base troops up to 55mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm

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Magnetic Trayset 80mm and 35mm deep
Full width trays 380mm x 255mm. The deep tray is ideal for magnetised base medium size vehicles and monsters up to 80mm tall and the shallower tray is ideal for magetised base troops up to 35mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm

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Magnetic Trayset 110mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm. This deep tray is ideal for magnetised base large vehicles and monsters up to 110mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm

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Magnetic and troop Trayset 80mm deep with 36 troop tray
Full width trays 380mm x 255mm. The deep tray is ideal for magnetised base medium size vehicles and monsters up to 80mm tall and the shallower tray is ideal for troops on 32mm bases up to 55mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm

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Magnetic and troop Trayset 80mm deep with 40 troop tray
Full width trays 380mm x 255mm. The deep tray is ideal for magnetised base medium size vehicles and monsters up to 80mm tall and the shallower tray is ideal for troops on 25mm bases up to 50mm tall. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm

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1x Yndrasta, the Celestial Spear, 1x Lord-Imperatant, 1x Gryph-hound, 1x Knight-Vexillor with Banner of Apotheosis, 3x Praetors, 1x Knight-Arcanum, 3x Annihilators, 10x Vindictors, 1x Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof, 1x Murknob with Belcha-banna, 1x Swampcalla Shaman, 1x Pot-grot, 1x Killaboss, 1x Stab-grot, 3x Man-skewer Boltboyz, 10x Gutrippaz, 20x Hobgrot Slittaz

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Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof, 1x Murknob with Belcha-banna, 1x Swampcalla Shaman, 1x Pot-grot, 1x Killaboss, 1x Stab-grot, 3x Man-skewer Boltboyz, 10x Gutrippaz, 20x Hobgrot Slittaz

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Yndrasta, the Celestial Spear, 1x Lord-Imperatant, 1x Gryph-hound, 1x Knight-Vexillor with Banner of Apotheosis, 3x Praetors, 1x Knight-Arcanum, 3x Annihilators, 10x Vindictors

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Magnetic Tray 35mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm, ideal for magnetised base troops up to 35mm tall. Fully stackable and can be combined with regular troop trays. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm

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Magnetic Tray 55mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm, ideal for magnetised base troops up to 55mm tall. Fully stackable and can be combined with regular troop trays. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm

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Magnetic Tray 80mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm, ideal for magnetised base medium size vehicles and monsters up to 80mm tall. Fully stackable and can be combined with regular troop trays. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm

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Magnetic Tray 110mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm, ideal for magnetised base large vehicles and monsters up to 110mm tall. Fully stackable and can be combined with regular troop trays. Magnetised area is 335mm x 205mm

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Dominion 10 Gutrippaz, 1 Gryph Hound, space for 7 extra minis

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Dominion 1 Pot Grot, 1 Stab-grot, 18 Hobgrot Slittaz (Removing walls for models with standards)

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Dominion Killaboss, Yndrasta

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Dominion 7 Vindictors, 1 Murknob

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Dominion 3 Man-skewer Boltboyz and expansion for more

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To be used to fit 5 trays for 32mm diameter bases into the Large Card Case and carry 180 figures. Put this filler pad in first!

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Kruleboyz 1x Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof, 1x Murknob with Belcha-banna, 1x Killaboss, 1x Swampcalla Shaman, 5x Man-skewer Boltboyz/ Gutrippaz

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Stormcast Eternal 1x Yndrasta, The Celestial Spear, Knight Vexillor with Banner of Apotheosis, 3 Praetors, 1 Knight Arcanum, Lord Imperatant and 1 Vindictor with Standard/ 6x Stormcast Eternals

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Dominion Card case (standard size), ideal for a full Dominion army

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Dominion Card case (large size), ideal for an expanded Dominion army

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Dominion Standard size transport bag, ideal for a full Dominion army

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Dominion Standard size transport bag, ideal for a full Dominion army

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Dominion Navara Backpack (1 set of trays), ideal for a full Dominion army

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Dominion Navara Backpack (2 sets of trays), ideal for a full Dominion army

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Dominion Navara Skirmish1 figure case, ideal for a full Dominion army

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Dominion Navara Skirmish2 figure case, ideal for a full Dominion army

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Dominion Navara Skirmish3 figure case, ideal for a full Dominion army

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Standard size Card case for Yndrasta, the Celestial Spear, 1x Lord-Imperatant, 1x Gryph-hound, 1x Knight-Vexillor with Banner of Apotheosis, 3x Praetors, 1x Knight-Arcanum, 3x Annihilators, 10x Vindictors

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Standard size transport bag for Yndrasta, the Celestial Spear, 1x Lord-Imperatant, 1x Gryph-hound, 1x Knight-Vexillor with Banner of Apotheosis, 3x Praetors, 1x Knight-Arcanum, 3x Annihilators, 10x Vindictors

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Standard size transport bag with pockets for Yndrasta, the Celestial Spear, 1x Lord-Imperatant, 1x Gryph-hound, 1x Knight-Vexillor with Banner of Apotheosis, 3x Praetors, 1x Knight-Arcanum, 3x Annihilators, 10x Vindictors

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Standard size Card case for Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof, 1x Murknob with Belcha-banna, 1x Swampcalla Shaman, 1x Pot-grot, 1x Killaboss, 1x Stab-grot, 3x Man-skewer Boltboyz, 10x Gutrippaz, 20x Hobgrot Slittaz

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Standard size transport bag for Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof, 1x Murknob with Belcha-banna, 1x Swampcalla Shaman, 1x Pot-grot, 1x Killaboss, 1x Stab-grot, 3x Man-skewer Boltboyz, 10x Gutrippaz, 20x Hobgrot Slittaz

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Standard size transport bag with pockets for Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof, 1x Murknob with Belcha-banna, 1x Swampcalla Shaman, 1x Pot-grot, 1x Killaboss, 1x Stab-grot, 3x Man-skewer Boltboyz, 10x Gutrippaz, 20x Hobgrot Slittaz

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Large size Card case for 1x Yndrasta, the Celestial Spear, 1x Lord-Imperatant, 1x Gryph-hound, 1x Knight-Vexillor with Banner of Apotheosis, 3x Praetors, 1x Knight-Arcanum, 3x Annihilators, 10x Vindictors, 1x Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof, 1x Murknob with Belcha-banna, 1x Swampcalla Shaman, 1x Pot-grot, 1x Killaboss, 1x Stab-grot, 3x Man-skewer Boltboyz, 10x Gutrippaz, 20x Hobgrot Slittaz

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