Custom Trays18th Jan 2022
Here at Navara we have several types of trays for miniatures. One type of the trays we make are called Custom trays. These trays have more form fitting compartments compared with our regular Core trays. That means that a much more precise outline of the miniature is cut in the foam for you models to go inside, thus reducing the amount with which they can move about inside their compartment during transport.
Custom cut foam increases the number of models that can be stored within a single tray as every bit of space can be used to make the compartments needed, kind of like a jigsaw but with the shape of your models instead.
These trays also have the added benefit of making it much clearer where to put your miniatures when packing up after a game, therefore reducing the time it takes to store your models after an epic battle.
We have Custom trays for a huge range of miniatures, big and small, so check out our selection here
Navara - Cases and trays for tabletop gaming