Leagues of Votann - Sagitaur ATV15th Nov 2022
With the full range of models now available for the new army Leagues of Votann, we have been busy assembling all the new models and putting them in trays that fit them perfectly.
Next on the assembly line was the Sagitaur ATV Vehicle. We are really glad we got our hands on this models as antennas can be a real tricky part of models to store.
To that end we managed to store 4 in a NPP5H tray or the Custom equivalent of the NVSM6P6, however if you have your antenna and turret removable, for example with magnets, then you can actually get 4 in a NPP2H or NVSM2P2 saving yourself extra room in the case and more importantly more money to spend on models instead of trays.
Alternatively, if you intend to get a Land Fortress and 2 Sagitaur ATVs then the NPP1H is the perfect tray for you as you won't need the antenna and turret to be removable.
Check out the Trayguide here: https://www.navaracases.com/trayguide/LGV and stay tuned for more detailed tray recommendations for the new Leagues of Votann models.
Navara - Cases and trays for tabletop gaming