Eldar TrayGuide Updated!5th May 2022
With a swath of new Eldar models released recently we have updated our tray guide for the Craftworlds to reflect the new and old models.
The big new model to hit the range is of course the Avatar of Khaine. This model replaces the old forgeworld model and the even older GW miniature. To hold the new one you'll need a NPP1H tray which is a core tray. We have also updated the NPP5H to indicate it is suitable for the old model.
We have also updated the trays for the new Shining Spears and Shroud Runners. Grab yourself a NPP1H or a NPP2H for these respectively.
Check out the tray guide for the full details of which trays you will need for your new Eldar army. https://www.navaracases.com/trayguide/EL
Navara - Cases and trays for tabletop gaming