Legions Imperialis Titans25th Jan 2024
Continuing on from our recommendations for Legions Imperialis a few weeks ago we have had a sift through the rulebook to see which Titans are in the army lists.
As we all know, the Titan models are a carry over from Adeptus Titanicus but with new bases so lots of our recommendations are similar to that game.
We added the Titan suggestions to the TrayGuides for the two current distinct factions in the game. One for the Legiones Astartes https://www.navaracases.com/trayguide/LILA, and the other for the Solar Auxilia https://www.navaracases.com/trayguide/LISA
As always with these smaller scale games, make sure to check the tray recommendations against the correct system as there is a hu.ge difference in size between Knights and Titans from 40K compared to Legions Imperialis
You can find our TraySelector here: https://www.navaracases.com/trayselector and on KR cases at https://www.krcases.com/trayselector
Navara - Cases and trays for tabletop gaming