Sets for Combat and Boarding Patrols20th Jul 2023
With the new edition of Warhammer 40K truly in full gear now, we wanted to make sure everyone had their Combat Patrols catered for.
We have put together a tray set for each of the Combat Patrols that have been released for Warhammer 40,000. More than that we have even created some for forces that have yet to have the boxes released (thanks GW for the rules with army lists). Even more than this we did not just stop there, but instead went ahead and did the same for Boarding Patrols!
If you want to find the tray set for your army, they are the ones ending -CP for combat Patrol and -BP for Boarding Patrol. Therefore NVWH40K-SM-CP is the Space Marine Combat Patrol tray set whilst NVWH40K-LGV-BP is the tray set to store the Leagues of Votann Boarding Patrol.
We have sets for every army already released and as more Boarding Patrols get released, we will continue to add more to our list. If there are any we have missed though, please get in touch and we can let you know how to store your Patrols!
Navara - Cases and trays for tabletop gaming