Product Filter Highlights - literally!2nd Jan 2021
We have been working on some neat updates to the website and one of them is on the product filters. You can use the filters to refine the search results for any of the products, and now they give you even more feedback than before! When you select a menu item you go to a page where all the products in the area you selected are shown. This can sometimes be quite a lot of products!
The filters have been arranged so that you can easily refine the products for your area of interest. So for example of you only want troop trays, you can select just troop trays from the options, or if you want so see just products for a particular army you can select that army name.
All these help you refine the products we show you to match your needs.
All the filter entries are shown in white to begin with so that you know which ones you can choose from, and any that are not available for you are shaded out and cannot be selected.
As you select from the filters, using the dropdown menus on each one, that filter will turn green to show you that you have made that selection. This helps you to see what you are choosing!
Navara - Cases and trays for tabletop gaming