Navara Trays for the Firstborn Marines17th Jun 2021
Whilst the Primaris Marines are certainly becoming more common, there are still many Firstborn Marines on the field. With some people preferring the classic marines to their new Primaris brethren, we have a great range of trays suitable for these models!
The backbone of any Space Marine army is the Tactical Marine and for them we offer the 20SM58 tray. This tray will hold 20 of these miniatures, and are suitable for Devastators, Assault Marines or Veterans! Meanwhile, those more imposing infantry, the Terminators, we have the NVSM47 for these heavy armoured Astartes. Though for those standing taller, or with standards and back banners, or characters with dynamic poses, we have the NVSM48 tray!
The venerable Space Marine vehicles like the Rhino and Predator can find a perfect storage space in our NVSM5P6 - suitable for 2 Rhinos and 1 Predator! And our Land Speeders and Vindicators can find perfect storage in our NVSM3P22, made for a Vindicator with a heavy siege shield, and 2 Land Speeders!
For the wounded battle brothers locked inside a Dreadnought Chassis, we have the NVSM7P25 - perfect for 3 Classic Dreadnoughts, Ironclad or Venerable, and 2 Contemptor Dreadnoughts. This tray will synergise well with the 20SM58, as there is space above the tray for it in most of our cases.
Many Chapters use rapid moving bike squads to rapidly catch enemy commanders off guard or flank, and for 10 Bikes we offer the NVSM69 tray - with the NVSM70 more suited for bikes with back banners and standards, like Raven Wing Bikes or White Scar squads.
The Space Marines command a variety aircraft, such as the imposing Storm Raven. For the Storm Raven, we have the NVSM15, which can store this heavy gunship, a flight stands, a Dreadnought and 12 infantry to complement its transport capacity! We also have the NVSM33 for a Stormtalon Gunship, or the NVSM72 tray for the Stormhawk Interceptor - which also contains space for a pair of Character Models!
Amongst the most imposing vehicles of the Adeptus Astartes is the Land Raider and its variants, and for this behemoth of ceramite and adamatium, we have the NVSM24 - which also has storage space for 2 Classic Dreadnoughts. And to round out the transport options, we have the NVSM10P10 for a pair of Space Marine Drop Pods - perfect for getting your veterans and Multi-melta Devastators in close.
We can offer a great deal of combination of trays for various vehicles and such for the Space Marines, which can all be found here
Navara - Cases and trays for tabletop gaming