
Figure Cases and Trays

for Tabletop Gaming


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TraySelector Guide


The Navara TraySelector online tool has been designed to help you fill your case with the best trays for your army. Its range of features helps you get your army in the safest and perfect size case for you.

Simply follow these easy steps!

1. Choose your case using the carousel to choose a case from the full range (if you don’t choose a case then a  standard card case will be chosen for you by default)

TraySelector Carousel

2. Refine your tray choices by selecting your army. Use the Manufacturer and Systems filters to help navigate the options

TraySelector Filter for Manufacturer System and Army

3. If you know the name of the model that you want carry, then type that name into the 'Type in a model description' section and a list of suitable trays will be displayed for you to choose from. Trays that will fit directly in the space in your case are in the green colour list, those which will be too large for the available space are shown in the orange coloured list, and will begin to automatically fill a new case. As your case fills the list of trays that will fit will reduce to help you fill the case fully.

TraySelector Model Name Entry

4. If you are familiar with the Navara tray codes, you can type in the tray code directly to find that specific tray using the ‘type in’ field. This will display the list of trays for you to choose from to add to your case. Trays that will fit directly in the space in your case are in the green colour list, those which will be too large for the available space are shown in the orange coloured list, and will begin to automatically fill a new case. As your case fills the list of trays that will fit will reduce to help you fill the case fully.

TraySelector Adding a Tray

5. If you want to add the same tray again (and there is space) a ‘+’ button appears on the tray.

6. You can remove a tray using the ‘down arrow’ to move that tray to the saved tray stack

7. Click the ‘i’ icon on the tray to see the tray details

8. Each time a tray is added the troop and vehicle counters increase accordingly

9. The right hand pane displays the trays that are in your case and the models that are carried in each tray.

10. When your case is full the button to add to basket becomes live and you can head to the checkout.

TraySelector Bench

11. If you have put all the trays in you need and still have space, you can use the ‘finish filling my case’ button to let it do the work for you and fill the case with trays that are appropriate for your army. Even just watching this in action is fun.

TraySelector Finish Filling My Case Button

12. Use the ‘move all trays to stack’ button to easily empty your case.

13. The saved tray stack is a useful feature that means you can keep trays handy to add back into a case. When adding back it will prompt you for which case you want to add the tray back into. Very handy for moving trays between cases or between benches

TraySelector Saved Tray Stack

14. Name your benches so you can keep track of which army is on which one, eg ‘Necrons’, or ones for special occasions, eg ‘Birthday’, ‘Christmas’ etc.

TraySelector Bench Names

15. If you have sent us an army list we will work out the trays and cases for you and add that bench into your account to enable an easy checkout for you.

16. Use the ‘change case’ button to swap between case types, eg Card, Kaiser, Backpack and so on (for cases of the same size)

TraySelector Change Case

17. Use the ‘Just Trays’ option to just create TRAY SETS (always cheaper than buying individual trays if they are a set!)

18. If you want to add a complete set of trays, you can use the ‘add trayset’ dropdown, or indeed if you want to add a prefilled case to see the trays, or even edit the contents, use the ‘add prefilled case’ drop down.

19. If you are on any of the website pages, product pages (or indeed at the checkout), you can click the ‘Edit in TraySelector’ button to edit that tray, trayset or prefilled case directly in TraySelector.


TraySelector was developed specifically to help our customers fill their cases with the best trays for their armies, and is available on Navara Cases and also on KR Cases.


Used in combination with the other resources on the Navara Cases website such as the Navara TrayGuides, Navara Tray Printouts, Navara WhatFits and the filters on the menu pages can all help you look at trays for your specific army and models to help you choose the best trays.


Any questions please ask!


TraySelectorTM and its associated logic and coding is the property of KaiserRushforth Ltd. Any usage, copying, duplication of the Intellectual Property, or coding contained within it is strictly forbidden.

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